My most updated version of the complete list of publications can be found in the website of Hitotsubashi University.
There are three websites where the list of my publications should appear: this website, the website of Hitotsubashi University, and the website of Graduate School of Social Sciences. However, these are all from different databases, which are all energy-consuming to update. I will try my best, but please be patient...
Books (co-author)
2001 Miyaji, N., "Friendly Persuasion? Legislative Enforcement of Male Responsibility for Contraception", Tong, R., Anderson, G., Santos A., eds.
Globalizing Feminist Bioethics, 135-150 Westview Press (p.135-150)
2014 Miyaji, N. "A New Metaphor for Speaking of Trauma - The Toroidal Island Model", Violence and Victims, 29(1), pp.137-151
2002 Miyaji, N., “Shifting Identities and Transcultural Psychiatry: A View from Japan”, Transcultural Psychiatry ,39(2):173-195
2001 Miyaji, N., "Ethical Dilemmas in Medical Assistance at Refugee Camps: A Case in Djibouti", Inaga, S., ed. The Fourteenth International Symposium: Crossing Cultural Borders: Toward an Ethics of Inter-Cultural Communication—Beyond Reciprocal Anthropology, 251-262, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
1996 Miyaji, N., et. al. “Obstetric and Gynecological Problems of Foreigners in Japan”, Journal of Japan Association for International Health 10(1):250-253
1994 Miyaji, N., Lock, M. “Monitoring Motherhood: Sociocultural and historical Aspects of Maternal and Child Health in Japan” Daedalus, 123(4):87-112
1994 Miyaji, N., “Informed consent, cancer, and truth in prognosis. Letter to the Editor”, New Engl. J. Medicine, 331(12):810
1993 Miyaji, N., “The Power of Compassion: Truth Telling Among American Doctors in the Care of Dying Patients”, Social Science and Medicine, 36(3):249-264
1989 Sugitachi, A., Takatsuka, Y., Kido, T., Miyaji, N. and Satoh, E. “Bio-Adhesio-Chemo (BAC) Therapy for Patients with Malignant Pleural Effusion”, Am. J. Clin. Oncol. (CCT) 12(2):156-161
Book Reviews
1994 Miyaji, N., “Book Review of Fatal Tradeoffs”, Social Science and Medicine, 38(2):396-397
PUBLICATIONS IN JAPANESE *Titles are English translations.
Books (sole author) and Monographs
2010 Miyaji, N., Can We Love Trauma?, Otsuki-shoten Publishers (174pages)
2007 Miyaji, N., Kanjou-Tou (Toroidal island) = Geopolitics of Trauma, Misuzu-shobou Publishers (240pages)
2005 Miyaji, N., Medical Anthropology of Trauma, Misuzu-shobou Publishers (375pages)
2002 Miyaji, N., Living in a Foreign Culture, Seiwa-shoten Publishers (240pages)
1991 Miyaji, N., Mental Health Handbook—Facts and Advice for Japanese in Boston, Boston: Japanese Association of Greater Boston
Books (editor and co-author)
2008 Miyaji, N., Sexual Dominance and World History: From Colonialism to Ethnic Cleansing., Ohtsuki-shoten Publishers. 338pages(pp.17-63)
2008 Miyaji, N., Handbook of How to Treat Victims of Domestic Violence in Medical Settings, Akashi-shoten Publishers (216 pages)
2004 Miyaji, N., Trauma and Gender: from Clinical Contexts, Kongou-shuppan
Books (section author)
2007 Watanabe, M., Watanabe, O. eds. “Modern Envioronment.” ShunPousha
(Miyaji, N., “Trauma: mental health in everyday life”) 179pages(pp.121-138)
2007 Araki,Y., eds.”Essense of Women’s health care for clinicians.” Igaku-Shoin
(Miyaji, N.,, sections on “Rape” “Domestic Violence”) 344pages(pp.237-248, 249-257)
2004 Noda, F., Suzuki, M., eds. Handbook for Consulates: Mental Health Care Handbook in case of Huge-scale emergencies, Japan Society of Transcultural Psychiatry (Miyaji, N., "Chapter 7: Torture and Sexual Victimization," p. 84-91)
2003 Iyotani, T., ed. Globalization. Sakuhin-sha (Miyaji, N., “Transcultural Psychiatry”)
2003 Noda, F., Suzuki M. eds. Handbook for Consulates: Mental Health Care for Japanese Expatriates. Japan Society of Transcultural Psychiatry (Miyaji, N., Nakamoto K., "How to take care of traumatized people in disasters, accidents, war, terrorism and other events" p. 52-61)
2001 Sakai, A, et al., eds. Introduction to Cultural Psychiatry Kongou Shuppan
(Miyaji, N. "Imagination and Meaning: Sexual Violence and Trauma.")
2001 Kamo, N., ed. For the Learner of Social Philosophy,Sekaishiso Sha
(Miyaji, N. "Gender and Sexuality," p. 144-156)
2000 Inaga, S. ed. Toward an Ethics of Cross-cultural Communication. Nagoya Univ. Press
(Miyaji, N., "Can Refugees Be Saved?" p. 269-286)
1998 Katou H., Kamo N. eds. Introduction to Bioethics, Kyoto: Sekaishisousha Publishers
(Miyaji, N. "Culture and Bioethics," p. 289-301)
1998 Takahata, N., and Mita, T., eds. Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 23. “Transcultural Psychiatry,” Nakayama Shoten Publishers
(Miyaji, N. "Mental Health of Women in Contemporary Society." p. 99-110)
1998 Onishi, M., ed. Current of Transcultural Psychiatry, Osaka: Shinryoshinsha Publishers
(Miyaji, N., "Telephone Counseling and Transcultural Psychiatry from the Experience of the AMDA Medical Information Center" p. 306-326)
1997 Suzuki, M, Tatsumi, Y, Oota, H, eds. Mental Health Service for Japanese Living Abroad, Shinzansha Publishers, Tokyo (Miyaji, N. "Report from Boston: Survey on Mental Health of Japanese Living Abroad." p. 194-212)
1995 International Cooperation as a Career Choice, Yayoi-Shobou Publishers
(Miyaji, N. "Medical Assistance in a Somali Refugee Camp" p. 170-189)
1994 Munakata, T., ed. Mental Health of Japanese Abroad, Houken-shuppan (p. 73-95)
1994 Mukai, S., ed. Between Life and Live: Brain Death and Organ Transplantation, Baobabu-sha. (Miyaji, N. "What Brain Death and Organ Transplantation Mean to Us." p. 81-112)
2007 Miyaji, N., “Gender, Family Therapy and Trauma,” Journal of Japanese Family Therapy 24(2)88-91
2007 Miyaji, N., “Trauma and Medical Anthropology,” Journal of Bussei Kenkyu 88(4)549-551
2006 Miyaji, N., “Sexual abuse of boys: awareness and care.” Journal of Japanese child and adolescent psychiatry 46(1)19-29
2006 Miyaji, N., “Passing 0n,” Subaru 11:275-288
2006 Miyaji, N., “Violence and Trauma,” Japanese Journal of Women’s Studies 14:8-20
2006 Miyaji, N. and Shirakawa, M., ”Questions about Dissociation: Discussions with Dr. Putnam” , Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress, 4(1):69-75
2006 Miyaji, N., “Kanjou Tou (Circle-like islands): Geopolitics of trauma”, Misuzu (series of articles) (1) 534:40-48, 2005.12 (2) 536:40-48, 2006.3, (3)
537:48-53, 2006.4, (4) 538:34-38, 2006.5, (5) 540, p. 28-337,2006.7
2005 Miyaji, N., “Gender Sensitivity of Psychotherapists”, Journal of psychotherapy, 31(29):41-47(177-183)
2005 Miyaji, N., “Masculine Violence and Alternative intimacy”, Joukyou , 6(5):162-171
2005 Miyaji, N., “Domestic Violence as control: where is the private sphere?”, Gendai Shisou , 33(10):121-133
2004 Miyaji, N., “Torture and Trauma”, Journal of Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 2(1):13-20
2004 Miyaji, N., “A day: gender, violence and body”, Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry, 3(2):126-132
2003 Miyaji, N., “Sexual Violence and Trauma,” Jurist, 1237:156-173
2003 Miyaji, N., “Psychiatry and Japanese Culture: Rethinking ‘Shicchou’ (dysfunction) and ‘Shougai’ (disorder/disability),” Kokoro no Kagaku, 109:106-111
2002 Miyaji, N., “Academic Creole: A Letter to Yoriko,” Hitotsubashi Ronsou, 127(4):116-135
2002 Miyaji, N., “How should Law deal with the Concept of PTSD?” Jurist, 1227:2-5
2002 Miyaji, N., “Mental Health for Women,” Modern Physician 22.10.1240-1244
2001 Miyaji, N., Breslau, J. “Mental Health Services in the Japanese Community of Greater Boston”, Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry, 5:126-132
2001 Miyaji, N., Shinfuku, N., “Mental Health Services in the Japanese Community of Greater New York”, Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry, 5:129-132
2000 Miyaji, N., “Mental Health Care System for Immigrants” Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry 4(12):30-37
1999 Miyaji, N., “Women's Mental Health in Contemporary Society and Gender Sensitive Therapy,” Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica, 101(1):3-8
1999 Miyaji, N., “Shifting Identities in Psychiatry”, Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry, 3(2):92-103
1998 Miyaji, N., Ogawa, H., Meguro, T. “Teaching Medical Students about Sexual Harassment with a Role Play Method”, Japanese Journal of Medical Education, 29(1):15-20
1998 Miyaji, N., “Current Situation and Agenda of Health and Welfare System for Foreigners in Japan”, 26(371):14-17
1998 Miyaji, N., “Men's responsibility for Impregnation”, Gendai Seimeigaku Kenkyu, 1:19-29
1998 Miyaji, N., “ How can men's responsibility for impregnation be realized in law?”, Impaction 108:144-151
1998 Miyaji, N., “At the Entrance of the field: Binding of Cultural Psychiatry”, Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry, 2(3):230-237
1998 Kobayashi, M., Miyaji, N., “Snake in Heaven: Narrative of Created Tradition in Illness Experience of a Shaman,” Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry, 2(3):220-229
1998 Miyaji, N., “Mental Health Services for Trauma Survivors”, Women's Center Osaka ed. Preventing Violence against Women, 43-57, Women's Center Osaka
1997 Miyaji, N., Fujisaki, K., Ogawa, H., Meguro, T. “Medical Education of Occupational Health Using Simulated Patients and Role Play Method”, Japanese Journal of Medical Education, 28(2):85-89
1997 Miyaji, N., “Three Years of AMDA International Medical Information Center Kansai”, AMDA Journal of International Medical Cooperation
1997 Miyaji, N., Fukukawa, T., Mouri, I., Kobayashi, Y. “Situation and Agenda of Medical Services for Foreigners in Japan”, Daido Security Foundation Research Report, 2:299-304
1996 Miyaji, N., “Mental health of working abroad”, Roudou no Kagaku, 51:217-20
1996 Miyaji, N., “Formation of Physicians' Attitudes toward Truth-telling: Processes and Influential Factors”, Japanese Journal of Medical Education, 27(1):49-54
1996 Miyaji, N., “Confusing aspects of Informed Consent in Japanese Medicine”, Review13:11-15
1996 Miyaji, N., “Politics Surrounding the Dying”, Hayakawa, M., Morioka, M., eds. Gendai Seimeiron Kenkyu, 31-41, The International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
1996 Miyaji, N., Munakata, T., Shimizu, S., Muto, S., Minami, T., Asakura, T. “What is Mental Health Sociology?”, Journal of Japan Association of Mental Health Sociology, 2: 4-25
1996 Yokoyama, M., Miyaji, N., Fukukawa, T., Mouri, I., Tanaka, H., et al. “The situation and the problems of medical service for foreigners in Japan”, Japanese Journal of International Health, 11(supplement):43
1995 Miyaji, N., “International Medical Assistance and Support System in Japan”, JAMIC Journal, 15(4):54-56
1995 Miyaji, N., Fukukawa, T., Tanaka, H., Mouri, I., Kido, T., Kobayashi, Y. “Conflicts and Mutual Understanding in Medicine for Foreigners in Japan”, Kenko Bunka, 1:144-153, Meiji Seimei Kousei Jigyodan
1995 Miyaji, N., “Medical Anthropology and Self-healing”, Gendai no Esprit, 335:174-183
1995 Miyaji, N., “Ethical Doctor-Patient Relationship”, Journal of Primary Care, 18(2):125-127
1995 Miyaji, N., “Mental Health and Volunteer Activity after the earthquake,” Hoken no Kagaku, 37(10):662-666
1995 Miyaji, N., “Truth-telling and Family in Terminal Care: Comparison of the U.S. and Japan” Nihon Iji Shinpo, 3737:28-31
1995 Miyaji, N., “Medical Relief Work for Crisis of AMDA International Medical Information Center Kansai,” Suganami, S. ed. Let's go! AMDA, 109-11, Kousei Kagaku Kenyu-sho
1994 Shimizu, H., Miyaji N., Ueda, H., Yamashita, T., Arii, I., Kinoshita, M. “Sodium Valproate in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 23(3):363-368
1994 Yashiro, H., Higashi, A., Miyaji, N., Ozasa, S., Watanabe, N., Aoike, A., Kawai, K. “A Comparative Study of Psycho-social Factors in Peptic Ulcer Disease”, The Journal of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology, 91(6):1075-85
1994 Miyaji, N., Higashi, A., Ozasa, S., Watanabe, N., Aoike, A., Kawai, K., “Depression, Health Status and Lifestyles of Residents of a Rural Community”, Japanese Journal of Public Health, 441(5): 452-460
1994 Miyaji, N., “Sociocultural Approach in a medical assistance project in refugee camps in East Africa: Problems and Possibilities,” The Japanese Journal of Health Behavioral Science, 9:180-199
1994 Miyaji, N., “Japanese Doctors' Attitudes toward Life and Death as related to Their Truth-telling to Dying Patients”, Journal of Terminal Care, 4(5):427-433 & 4(6):497-504
1994 Miyaji, N., “Truth telling in the U.S.A. Chiryou”, 76(9):172-174
1994 Miyaji, N., “Ethical Discourse of Japanese and American Physicians on Truth-telling in the Care of Dying Patients,” Japanese Journal of Bioethics, 4(2):94-99
1994 Miyaji, N., “Truth-telling and Ethics in Japanese and American Physicians”, Nihon Iji Shinpo, 3688:1-34
1993 Miyaji, N., “Culture and Medical Ethics,” Journal of Integrated Medicine, 3(3):282-283
1993 Miyaji, N., “Culture and Informed Consent,” Journal of Integrated Medicine, 3(5):479-481
1993 Miyaji, N., “About Euthanasia,” Journal of Integrated Medicine, 3(9):855-857
1993 Miyaji, N., “New Approaches in American Medical Education”, Gendai no Esprit, 313:100-110, Shibun-do
1993 Miyaji, N., “Mental health and Illness Behavior in a Foreign Cultural Setting: A Study of Japanese Living in Boston,” The Japanese Journal of Health Behavioral Science, 8:104-126
1992 Miyaji, N., “Truth-telling in the Care of Dying Patients: From the perspective of American Physicians”, Journal of Japanese Medical Association, 108(4):623-630
1992 Miyaji, N., “Mental Health of overseas Japanese III—Starting Telephone Counseling”, Mental Health Okamoto Memorial Foundation Report, 4:303-306
1992 Miyaji, N., “Living Abroad and Stress”, Mental Health, 41:27-31
1991 Miyaji, N.: Truth-telling Among Doctors in the Care of Dying Patients—from American physicians' point of view”, Daiwa Securities Health Foundation Annual Report, P14
1991 Miyaji, N., “Mental Health of overseas Japanese II--Making of Mental Health Handbook”, Mental Health Okamoto Memorial Foundation Report, 3
1990 Miyaji, N., “Mental Health of Overseas Japanese—From a Medical Anthropological Perspective”, Mental Health Okamoto Memorial Foundation Report, 2:125-129
1989 Sugitachi, A., Hayashi, R., Kido, T., Satoh, E. and Miyaji, N. “A New Approach to Targeting Chemotherapy --Basic and Clinical Studies,” Jpn. J. Artif. Organs, 18(1):32-35
Newspaper Articles
1996 Miyaji, N., “How not drink muddy water: Life supported by systems”, Mainichi Newspaper, April 13
1995 Miyaji, N., “Need of Psychological Support for Relief Workers in Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake”, Yomiuri Newspaper (Osaka), April 1
1995 Uchida, A., Ebe, K., Sasako, M., Miyaji, N., “Spontaneous Healing (Panel Discussion)”, Yomiuri Newspaper (Evening Edition), January 24.
1994 Miyaji, N., “Respect for the differences in medicine for foreigners”, Yomiuri Newspaper, May 7.
2006 Miyaji, N., Book Review of Sereny G. “Darkness of human beings,” Tokyo Newspaper, Feb. 19
2005 Miyaji, N., Book Review of Sawada A. “Memories of Nights,” Tokyo Newspaper, July 17
2005 Miyaji, N., Book Review of Nakai H., “Signs, memories and Trauma”, Journal of the Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies3(1):110-111
2000 Miyaji, N., Conference Review “Seventh Meeting of the Japanese Society of Transcultural Psychiatry”, Psychotherapy, 26(4):422-423
1997 Miyaji, N., Book Review of Abe Y., “Dream of Don Quixote”, Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry, 2(1):62-63
1996 Miyaji, N., Book Review of Kleinman A., "Illness Narratives," Japan Association for Bioethics Newsletter 11:6
1995 Miyaji, N., Journal review of "Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry." Current Oriental Medicine 16(2):168-169
2006 Miyaji, N., “The Sea Inside” Sekai Shisou, 33:25-28
2006 Miyaji, N., “Series of lectures for medical professionals on how to deal with domestic violence victims”, Journal of Gender Specific Medicine, (1) 3(1):91-96, 2006 (2) 3(2):243-248, 2006 (3) 3(3):343-349, 2006 (4) 3(4):481-486, 2006
2005 Miyaji, N., “Trauma and Medical Anthropology 16 Taste and Smell of Trauma”, Kokoro no Rinshou a-la-carte, 24(2):249-252,
2005 Miyaji, N., “Trauma and Medical Anthropology17:Touching the skin of trauma,” Trauma. Kokoro no Rinshou a-la-carte, 24(3):363-367,
2004 Miyaji, N., “Translator’s commentary and analysis: What does sexual violence against men reveal about Japanese Society?” p428-457 in the Japanese version of Gartner R.B., Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men, published in Tokyo by Sakuhin-sha
2005 Miyaji, N., “Commentary on ‘Hidden in plain sight: Clinical reflections on prostitution’ by Herman, J.L.”, Gendai Shisou, 33(10):215-217,
2005 Miyaji, N., “Support of domestic violence victims”, Newsletter of Musashino University Clinical Psychology Center, 9:1
2005 Miyaji N., Saotome, T., Discussions “No privilege for not knowing trauma and gender in clinics”, Sexual Science (on line journal)
2005 Miyaji, N., “Interview: What is healthy male sexuality? Deciphering myths: Review of Gartner’s book “Betrayed as boys”, Sexual Socience (on line journal)
2005 Koumura, H., Sasaki, S., Miyaji, N. “Discussion: How can medical professionals deal with the problems of domestic violence?”, Journal of Gender Specific Medicine, 2(10):1132-1139
2004 Miyaji, N., “Preface for the special issue on gender violence and body,” Japanese Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry , 3(2):96-97,
2004 Miyaji, N., “Interpreting specialized terms: ‘Complex PTSD’“, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 33(12):1634-1635
2003 Miyaji, N., “Let’s explore the borderlands of academism,” Hitotsubashi Quarterly, 1:39
2002 Miyaji, N., “Before and after September 11th,” Shosai no Mado, 516:28-31
2002 Miyaji, N., “Living as aliens,” Gaiko Forum, 169:9
2002 Miyaji, N., “Concept of PTSD and Law” JSTSS NEWS vol.7 (Dec. 11 issue)
2001 Miyaji, N., “Working and mothering: Destiny of heartbreak,” Tokyo Women's Plaza News 3
2001 Miyaji, N., “Borderlands”, Kunitachi Gakuhou, 8:4
1999 Miyaji, N., “Choice of my specialty” Nihonijishinpousha ed. Career choices for medical students , p102-103, Nihonijishinpousha
1998 Miyaji, N., “Health policy and healthy policy” Gaiko Forum, 116:96-97
1998 Miyaji, N., “Medical anthropology and women's issues”, Newsletter of Japan Association of Mental Health Sociology, 11:1-2
1997 Miyaji, N., “People who need help are not powerless”, Gaiko Forum, 101:122-123
1997 Miyaji, N., “You can do international cooperation in Japan”, Gaiko Forum, 105:102-103
1997 Miyaji, N., “Relief work without sensitivity causes secondary trauma”, Gaiko Forum, 108:96-97
1997 Miyaji, N., “Global Society filled with trauma”, Gaiko Forum, 112:96-97
1996 Miyaji, N., “Patient's right to express emotional shock”, Clinician, 43(447):85-86
1995 Miyaji, N., “PTSD and the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake”, Seishin Preview, 55:5-8
1995 Miyaji, N., “Influence of Trauma on Women's body and Psyche”, Women's Clinic Newsletter, 120:2-3
1994 Miyaji, N., “Why I chose my specialty", Nihon Iji Shinpo Junior, 332:33
1993 Miyaji, N., “Foreign Culture and Medicine: Foreigners and Hospitals in Japan”, Yuhigaoka, 59:3
1993 Miyaji, N., “Ten Pieces of Advice for the mental health of people living abroad”, Welcome to Boston: Guidebook of daily life, p221-222, Japanese Association of Greater Boston
1992 Miyaji, N., “Mental Health in Different Cultures”, Hon, 2:36-39, Kodansha
Encyclopedia Entries
2002 Miyaji, N., “Psychosomatic Medicine,” “Psychosomatic Disease,” “Trauma,” “PTSD,” In Sakai A et al. eds. Encyclopedia of Biomedical Ethics, Taiyo Shuppan
1999 Miyaji, N., “Biopsychosocial Model,” “Sleep Disturbance,” “Feminism,” In Japanese Society of Health Behavioral Science eds. Encyclopedia of Health Behavioral Science, p. 198, 262, and 265, Medical Friend Publishers.
Other Reports (Corporate Author)
2001 Suzuki M. ed., Mental Health Research on Japanese Living Abroad. Report on the Scientific Research Grant of the Ministry of Science and Education.
1999 Committee Report on International Communication for Children. Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Councilors' Office for External Affairs, Japanese Government
1997 Nakanishi et al. Patients' Decision Making and the Roles of Nurses. Report on the Scientific Research Grant of the Ministry of Science and Education.
Popular Journal Appearances
2001 Miyaji, N., Sato, Y., Egawa, A. “Global Women: from Various Fields of the World” (Discussion), Harper's Bazaar Japanese Edition, Sep:150-153
1993 Miyaji, N., Tsujimoto, Y., Sasaki, S. “Ideal Doctor-Patient Relationship for Women's Body” (Discussion), Croissant 17(14):28-31, Magazine House Publishing
2008 Tschan, W., “Preventing of Professional Sexual Misconduct.” Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 6(1)89-95, 2008
2005 Herman, J.,L., “Hidden in plain sight: Clinical reflections on prostitution,” Journal of Trauma Practice, 2:1-13, 2003, (translated by Sasaki A. and Miyaji N. and published in Gendai Shisou 33(10):204-214, 2005)
2004 Gartner, R., B., Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men, NY: Guilford Press 495pages
2002 Flick, U., Introduction to Qualitative Research (One of 4 translators under the organization of Oda H.)
2002 Cohen, B., M., Giller, E., Lynn, W., eds. Multiple Personality Disorder from the Inside Out Sidran Press, 1991
1996 Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, Japanese Version, Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health
1996 Hopkins Symptom Checklist 25, Japanese Version, Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health
1989 Frances, A., Clarkin, J., Perry, S., Differential Therapeutics in Psychiatry, New York, Brunner/Mazel, 1984, Published as SEISHINKA KANBETSU CHIRYO GAKU, Seiwa Shoten (One of 12 translators under the supervision of Takaishi N.)
1997 Miyaji, N., “Formation of Physicians' Attitudes toward Truth-telling: Processes and Influential Factors”, Foreign Medical Sciences, 18(3):37-39, Shanghai
Medical School